PTT684-The “What Happened” Conversation

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="3720" post_id="3720"]

Trudi digs into the What Happened conversation and our inclination to assign blame.

Download the class notes.

The difficulty in many difficult conversations is increased when we do not address what is really going on in the conversation. Tim and Trudi look at how we can make our conversations, and our relationships, better.

In addition to the wisdom of Scripture, this series draws from the books, “Difficult Conversations”, [Amazon link], by Douglas Stone, and “How to Have that Difficult Conversation” [Amazon link] by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

Would you like to join the conversation? Send us your questions or comments, and we’ll talk about it After Class (later this week!)

Wii20100418-Entry072-Fence Me In

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2656" post_id="2656"] Tim wraps up our discussion on Fence Myths and turns to the subject of constructing fences on ourselves. The most urgent we have for building fences in our lives is in limiting ourselves in order to provide freedom for others.

(The video used in today’s class was posted separately.)

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Follow along with the class notes (PDF file).

Listen to the class.


This is the video clip we used in class about blaming. It is from Dr. Henry Cloud and the website.