[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2581" post_id="2581"]
Trudi wraps up the series, The Power of Your Words, with this look at words of praise, and the vast power that this kind of word can lead to.
If you have enjoyed this series, we encourage you to check out the original book by Robert Morris, The Power of Your Words.
Download the class notes.
Listen to the lesson.
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2582" post_id="2582"]
More instruction regarding the Baptism into the Holy Spirit, along with the Scriptural instruction on “speaking in tongues”. And why do they call it the TOWER of Babel and what does it have to do with praying in tongues?
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Listen to the class.
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2583" post_id="2583"]
Tim continues our look at Baptism in the Holy Spirit. We answer common objections and give some help to those that have not yet experienced this baptism.
Download the class notes.
Listen to the class.
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2584" post_id="2584"]
Tim begins the exploration of what the Bible calls “basic teachings.”
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Listen to the lesson.
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2585" post_id="2585"]
Trudi continues the series, The Power of Your Words, by looking at the important things we must remember as we think about taming the tongue.
Download the class notes.
Listen to the lesson.
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2586" post_id="2586"]
Tim looks at some famous words about words from James chapter 3. Why is it so hard to control our tongues?
Download the class notes.
Listen to the lesson.