Wii20190526-Entry463-First Things First (part 2)

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Trudi continues the series about our communication issues. We join this lesson in progress, as Trudi reviews from last week, then launches into very practical Biblical advice regarding anger and the link to our power to listen.

(We apologize for the audio interference in the recording.)

This series is based on resources produced by Andy Stanley and North Point Ministries.

Download the class notes.

Listen to the lesson.

Wii20170611-Entry367-What makes communication hard…and what to do about it

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Tim finishes our series on Humble Inquigy by discussing two different models of communication, each describing the complexity of communication, but also suggesting solutions for our relationship issues.

For those who listened live in class, go to 36:06 in this episode to find the end of this lesson.

This series is based on the book, “Humble Inquiry“, by Edgar Schein.

Download the class notes.

Listen to the lesson.

Wii20101121-Entry100-Giving and Receiving

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We discuss the giving and receiving of apologies.

Tim finishes our session from last week, as we talk about how, when, and where to give an apology. Then Trudi turns to the other side of the equation and talks about how to receive an apology and what some of the biggest apology busters are.

This current series on apologies mostly comes from two key resources - The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas, and Effective Apology by John Kador..

Download the class notes.

Listen to our 100th entry!