PTT681-Hate and Love

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="3701" post_id="3701"]

Tim looks at a famous aphorism and asks – is it good? is it helpful? what should we do?

Download the class notes.

Christians say things, like…Just have faith…Love the Sinner…that might be questionable, but are rarely questioned. What’s the truth behind the saying? Tim and Trudi discuss in this short 3-week series.

Would you like to join the conversation? Send us your questions or comments, and we’ll talk about it After Class (later this week!)


[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="3667" post_id="3667"]

Tim and Trudi talk about the lesson from Sunday and one more story that there wasn’t time for on Sunday.

Would you like to join the conversation? Send us your questions or comments.

PTT581-What Upsetters Need Most

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2199" post_id="2199"]

There is something essential to becoming an upsetter. Actually, it’s someONE. Trudi talks about him in this lesson.

Download the class notes.

Based on the book of the same name by Tim Ross, Upset the World (Amazon affiliate link) looks at what it means to be a follower of Jesus in a world which is very much not following Jesus.


[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2650" post_id="2650"] Tim looks at Values #2 and 3, as we discuss the most important values in relationships.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Download the class notes (PDF).

Listen to this class.

Wii20100530-Media files

We used two of the clips today as we looked at Values #2 and #3.

The first clip is entitled “The Value of Loving Others”.

The second clip, covering the third value, was The Value of Honesty.

Both of these clips, as well as many more, are available at