Wii20101121-Entry100-Giving and Receiving

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We discuss the giving and receiving of apologies.

Tim finishes our session from last week, as we talk about how, when, and where to give an apology. Then Trudi turns to the other side of the equation and talks about how to receive an apology and what some of the biggest apology busters are.

This current series on apologies mostly comes from two key resources - The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas, and Effective Apology by John Kador..

Download the class notes.

Listen to our 100th entry!

Wii20101010-Entry094-Who’s Sorry Now?

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2635" post_id="2635"]

We begin a new series on the subject of Apology.

We have all experienced the disappointment of a poorly given apology. And we aren’t always successful in apologizing to others. Yet, failed apologies can hinder, harm, and even destroy relationships.

How can we improve? What apologies will best repair your relationships?

Trudi begins this session with the introductory material for this teaching arc. We will be using various materials, including The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas, and Effective Apology by John Kador.

Download and use the class notes.

Listen to the class.

Wii20101003-Entry093-Skillful Listening

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2636" post_id="2636"]

Part 2 of our short study on listening. Once again, most of this class is using video clips from Dr. John Townsend.

Video 1 – Obstacle to Listening #6

Video 2 – Necessary Skills to Listening #1

Video 3 – Necessary Skills to Listening #2

Video 4 – Necessary Skills to Listening #3

Video 5 – Necessary Skills to Listening #4

Video 6 – Necessary Skills to Listening #5

Download the class notes to follow along (PDF).

Listen to the class.