
[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2666" post_id="2666"]

Trudi picks up our teaching of the Ten Law of Fences by focusing on the fourth law – the law of respect.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Listen to the class

The class notes (PDF)

Wii20100124-Entry061-Ten Laws of Fences

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Listen to the January 24, 2010 class

Tim continues our look at Ten Laws of Fences. These are the observations of how fences work. As we understand, and work with them, we are able to establish and maintain healthy relational and functional property lines in our lives.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries with Kids.

Class Notes (PDF)

Wii20100117-Entry060-Facts about Fences

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Listen to the January 17th class

Good Fences define the property lines of our life. What is me and what is not me? When can I say no? When should I say yes?

Tim leads the discussion in this entry, talking about the problems that are common when trying to establish boundaries. He then begins looking at the Ten Laws of Fences.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Class Notes (PDF)

Wii20091213-Entry056-Points and the Doghouse

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[Note: There was no podcast for December 6, 2009. We spent the entire class time watching video, so there was nothing to record. There will also be no recording for December 27, when we held our class Christmas party.]

Trudi talks about the scorekeeping in marriage and how men and women keep and score points differently.

Wii20091129-Entry055-Incredible Sex…4, 3, 2…

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2673" post_id="2673"]
Tim discusses Mark Gungor’s 4th, 3rd, and 2nd keys to Incredible Sex.
Based on teaching by Mark Gungor and LaughYourWay.com.


Tim discusses Mark Gungor’s 4th, 3rd, and 2nd keys to Incredible Sex.

Based on teaching by Mark Gungor and LaughYourWay.com.