We talk about stealing.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
Learning How to Do Life Well
We talk about stealing.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
The effects of adultery and what Jesus had to say about sexual purity.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
The three stages of anger and what Godly honor looks like.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
Who is the command to honor for? What does honor mean? What does honor produce? Trudi talks about God’s Fifth Word.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
Tim teaches a challenging Word, the Fourth Word, about remembering the Sabbath. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you as you listen?
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
Trudi talks about the Holiness of God’s Name and how we fulfill the principle of the Third Word.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.