Wii20181209-Entry426-Not What I Know, but Who I Know

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Trudi concludes the series with a look at what those who are in our culture really need to hear from us.

This series is based on the book,The Daniel Dilemma by Pastor Chris Hodges.

Download the class notes.

Listen to the lesson.

We will be having a class party on December 16, so there will be no podcast then. Following that, we WILL be having class for a couple weeks, but there will be no podcast of it . Look for our next podcast entry on January 6, 2019.

Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wii20170423-Entry360-The Most Effective Apology

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2385" post_id="2385"]

Tim describes the difference between the most effective apology you can give and an apology that is less so.

In addition to our notes from over six years ago — and our personal experiences since then — we are using two main sources. “When Sorry Isn’t Enough” is an updated version of “The Five Languages of Apology” by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas. “Effective Apology” by John Kador explores this subject from a business viewpoint.

Download the class notes.

Listen to the lesson.

Wii20170312-Entry355-The language of apology

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2389" post_id="2389"]

Trudi continues the series on apology, looking at the first apology language.

In addition to our notes from over six years ago — and our personal experiences since then — we are using two main sources. “When Sorry Isn’t Enough” is an updated version of “The Five Languages of Apology” by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas. “Effective Apology” by John Kador explores this subject from a business viewpoint.

Download the class notes.

Listen to the lesson.