Wii20100919-Entry091-In Law, In Love

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Trudi turns to an area of fences and relationships that we have yet to focus on – in-laws. What are the areas where you have felt yourself running into trouble in this area?

Whether you are in-law, have in-laws, or might someday become an in-law, there are some interesting things for you to consider in this lively session.

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Today we review the Do’s and Don’ts of dealing with fence resistant spouses, ending with some additional don’ts, as well as the most important do’s.

(Most of this was recorded live in the Wiilationship Sunday school class, September 12, 2010 – the 24th wedding anniversary for Tim and Trudi. There was a recording issue that made it necessary to record a new front-end for this. Too bad, because there was some really fun discussion that happened in class.)

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Download the class notes (PDF).

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Wii20100829-Entry088-When Character is the Issue

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How do you handle someone who does not respect your fences? What do you do with a fence-resistant person – especially if that person is your spouse?

Trudi takes a look at what NOT to do, along with some tips about how to proceed in this delicate situation.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Get the class notes (PDF).

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Wii20100718-Entry082-The Workplace, Part 2

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Where are the specific conflicts likely to happen when we try to establish fences – or because we don’t? What are the signs that you might have some problem fence areas?

Today we continue talking about the People You Work With. Tim discusses a Biblical Theology of Work and what fence problems might show up on the job.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

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Download the class notes (PDF).

Wii20100627-Entry081-The People You Work With

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2647" post_id="2647"]

Where are the specific conflicts likely to happen when we try to establish fences – or because we don’t? What are the signs that you might have some problem fence areas?

Today we are talking about the People You Work With. Tim discusses a Biblical Theology of Work and what fence problems might show up on the job.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

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Here is the setup video we used for class today. This is actually from the Florida Department of Health. I was surprised to see a “local” funny video that I had never seen before.