Based on the book of the same name by Jordan Raynor, Redeeming Your Time (Amazon affiliate link) explores the principles of the life of the Son of Man, Jesus, and how he lived a lived which was purposeful, present, and wildly productive.
Rachel Porter brings the third part of the series and examines the noise which distracts and damages our presence and productivity…and what we can do to limit that noise.
Based on the book of the same name by Jordan Raynor, Redeeming Your Time (Amazon affiliate link) explores the principles of the life of the Son of Man, Jesus, and how he lived a lived which was purposeful, present, and wildly productive.
Based on the book of the same name by Jordan Raynor, Redeeming Your Time (Amazon affiliate link) explores the principles of the life of the Son of Man, Jesus, and how he lived a lived which was purposeful, present, and wildly productive.
Based on the book of the same name by Jordan Raynor, Redeeming Your Time (Amazon affiliate link) explores the principles of the life of the Son of Man, Jesus, and how he lived a lived which was purposeful, present, and wildly productive.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.
Based on the book of the same name by Jen Wilkins, Ten Words to Live By (Amazon affiliate link) finds delight, encouragement, and direction in the Ten Words God spoke to His people.