We’re not worried…we had an Experience!

It was good to meet some new friends at the Experience Conference in Lakeland on Saturday. Thanks for coming by the session. Our original teaching on “Monsters Under the Bed” can be found on this site. But look around and you might see other subjects that will interest you as well.

Hey, you annoying Experience people!

If you jammed into the room with us for Friday’s Experience conference, I hope you came away with a better understanding of social styles and the annoying people around you.  As I mentioned in class, the full seven-month series of Annoying People is on the website, starting here.

Notes from the Experience conference can be found here:

I Changed My Mind…

As promised, here is the link to the sermon series from Jimmy Evans entitled “I Changed My Mind”. When you go to the page, you will see the links to the other parts of the series. You will also see links to many other great messages from the pastors and guest speakers at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.