
This is the video clip we used in class about blaming. It is from Dr. Henry Cloud and the CloudTownsend.com website.

Video from April 11, 2010

Here is the video we used in class on April 11, 2010. It is a discussion of good anger vs. bad anger.

Wii20100314-Entry068-Invisible fences are for dogs, not people

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="2660" post_id="2660"]

Trudi discusses the Tenth Law of Fences. We might have established many fences in our life, with our spouse, our children, our co-workers, our friends – but we did not perform a critical step…we did not tell them. Trudi talks about the need to make our fences visible.

This teaching arc is based on the book “Boundaries”, by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend, and is supplemented by their other books, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries for Teens, and Boundaries for Kids.

Class Notes (PDF)

Listen to the lesson

Listen on your iPhone

Made a small change to the website today that makes it possible to listen to the class directly from your iPhone – without downloading through iTunes.

Of course, the easiest way to listen to each new entry is to subscribe in iTunes. Each new entry is automatically downloaded when you go into iTunes. (If you don’t know how to do this, post a comment and we’ll give you some simple instructions.)

But if you’re on the go, and don’t want to go through the (minor) hassle, just come to the website and click the link that says, “Listen to the [date] class”.

Hope that helps!

Site additions and fixes

We have added a couple of things to help you.

The first is our list of current resources – the books we are using during the current teaching arc. We are meshing all these resources into our weekly lessons, and we encourage you to read the original works. (Full disclosure: the links will take you to Amazon.com. If you purchase any of these items through these links, we get a very small referral fee.)

The second thing we have done is to add the class notes to each of the last two posts. These are the same notes that we hand out in class. You can download them and follow along as you listen.