Trudi finishes our discussion of Apology with a look at the ten most important do’s and don’ts of effective apologies. She also talks about the person who might be the hardest to apologize to, and what to do about it.
Wii20101128-Entry101-With my whole heart
Tim discusses the three types of apology, how you can keep the best kind from sounding like the worst, and how to fix a flawed apology.
This current series on apologies mostly comes from two key resources. The first is Effective Apology by John Kador. The other is The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas.
Download today’s notes (PDF).
Listen to the class (Quicktime).
Wii20101121-Entry100-Giving and Receiving
We discuss the giving and receiving of apologies.
Tim finishes our session from last week, as we talk about how, when, and where to give an apology. Then Trudi turns to the other side of the equation and talks about how to receive an apology and what some of the biggest apology busters are.
This current series on apologies mostly comes from two key resources -Â The Five Languages of Apology by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas, and Effective Apology by John Kador..
Wii20101114-Entry099-But that’s not all
Unfortunately, there was a problem with the recording for today’s class, and we missed the first half. This recording begins with the second half, as Tim talks about the When, Where, and How of Apologizing.
Listen to the class – or at least part of it.
Wii20101107-Entry098-Languages and the Profile
Trudi brings the information on the last two languages of apology, then explains the Apology profile.
Download the class notes (PDF).
Download the Apology Profile (PDF).
Listen to the class (mp3).
Wii20101031-Entry097-More than just words
Tim continues our series on the Five Languages of Apology with a look at number 3 – restitution and the power of making restitution in the primary love language of the other.
One of our main resources in this section of the class is the book, Effective Apology, from author John Kador.
Get the class notes (PDF)